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The Unknown Ghosts

Sweden vs UK


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That's the "frog on the tyne" for you. In south england fat/old women are often stoned in the street. Newcastle has some classy bars and clubs too (and nice birds), but there is a few "meat markets" where women older enough to be you mother will try and pull you (or eat you). But I don't believe theres that intensity of lovely women like that every where in sweden (because If there was, no swedish man would ever want to settle down, apart from the gay ones). But all them swedish birds were f***ing hot.

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I know at least 7 clubs in Stockhom that have hotties like that video every weekend... Frankly Gotland the island I am on is know for having the hottest babes in Sweden and the university I work at is over 70% women.... So hey- I am not complaining ... Anyways feel sorry for you english lot...poor bastigdes:tongue:


Truth is everytime we invite english guest lecturers they spend half their time talking about all the girls on campus...hahhahhaaa

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