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The Unknown Ghosts

Special Forces Training

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:mad: WTF is it with this special forces training bit?!


Having spoken to several very boring people, sat and passed a cruddy exam, Now I'm required to crawl around for ages in the dark!


I made waypoints Alpha & Bravo after some considerable time, but before I could achieve Charlie it was time to go out for dinner - and there is no way to carry on from where you left off apart from leaving the PC on all the time!!


I'll be fucked if I'm going through all that shit again..


what's the point in making a game as boring as actual military training, all that's missing is "Death by Powerpoint" and we'd be there!


Oh, and as for point charlie, could I find a way past those guys next to the vehicles? could I bollox! Ages crawling through the wet river-bed only to find there is no way out of it at the end.. :angry:


wank shit bollocks f**k tit twat ninny ... (That's better).. :wacko:

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Me 2 i never got past charlie :angry: what a pile of shit , U spend most of the time on yer belly, and the tw*ts still c u :excl: Does any 1 know how 2 get past those vehicals near the bridge at point charlie ?? Just got 2 get past alpha 'n' bravo first again,how stupid is that !!! :wacko:

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Avast that last pipe! I DID have time this evening - and following the above walkthrough I achieved said objective in 27 minutes of belly crawling.


What a load of shite! :lol: But thanks must go out to the writer .. On my previous attempt(s), my problem was with the rock that needs to be used to get out of the river bed, no matter what I did I just couldn't climb it - I must have been doing something wrong - coz i actually got out this time! ;)

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I already put all that info on the forums...

Shouldn't be a problem at all....


Anyone who is army knows, training DOES involve DEATH BY POWERPOINT uh humm the medic part!!!!


All that classroom shit is very real!!!!! VERY VERY real!!!!




P.S. ALL i mean ALL ~AA~ walkthroughs are on the forums, please check it out, 100% everytime, don't hesitate!!!



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