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The Unknown Ghosts

NOTICE -For All CSS Applicants!!!


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As for the moment, we are not recruiting additional Counterstrike Source players. If you note your email address below, we will contact as soon as possible when space is once again available.


Please post accordingly:


CSS Name:

Real Name (First, last):



Email Address:

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As for the moment, we are not recruiting additional Counterstrike Source players. If you note your email address below, we will contact as soon as possible when space is once again available.


Seems v unfriendly way to recruit.:confused:


"If i was considering joinig the above would put me off...."


I thought TUG was about good games, this is hte seciond post i have seen to this effect, how can you have to many team players?


I have been trying to get into the game and have played on the servers a few times does this mean I too can not play CSS!

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Heeye Leethp,


Don't understand what u mean but your allready a .TuG. member so why you think that you can't join :confused:.


Allmost everyday ppl ask if they can join the .TuG. css section; if we let everyone join we got about 100 css .TuG. members i think and i don't think thats not the way to do.


As you can see the Recruitment form for css is allso removed on the Homepage, just because we need to find a way to organize the CSS section.



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  • 5 months later...

I'll have you all know that the public is becoming more popular though not many tugs are putting much effort into it and we few who are cant keep it that way the whole time. It wont be popular unless tug ppl play in it... today the server has been pretty active and I've stayed on for as long as i could and kept the ppl coming :P though a little help from you guys would be welcome

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