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The Unknown Ghosts

Improve Windows XP


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This link directs you to a guide which will help speed up XP boot time and improve overall XP preformance.


The best apps:


TUNEXP (free) SP2 may block you from downloading it, via explorer so u may have to use mozilla.






Some of these app you may have to buy, i can send you them.

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Thats what I use. ONLY FOR MY GAMING, on my other xp I have a whole load of crap. This one takes up little space. I only install games, TS, xfire, etc. Nothing else. It is my gaming operating system :D do not bother using it if you want to use it for stuff like adobe pdf creator and stuff because there are reg files missing for things like spooler. Just use it for vlc/ts/steam/browsing/msn/paint/daemon tools/and maybe a few more to keep it running great.

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