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The Unknown Ghosts

Just to let you know i'm still allive


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Heey guys,


Maybe you was wondering where i was on the forum,

Problebly you was thinking : Maybe he is dead because of an

big stunt on his skates or he thought he was that good in CSS that

he went to Iraqi and got shot by an bunch of terrorist:P,

Well people don't worry i was sitting in an class with a buch of geeks on scool :D


I will try to get as much time on the forum as i can.


A few days ago i was watching TMF (A dutch music channel on the TV)

and they havving a big gaming event in the Rai in Amsterdam they sayd that you can vote for an game that you want to play there against other players, soo ofcourse i react and sayd that they had to put CS:S for some nice Wars,

Maybe we can get there and show off our skills against others.


Help me with the vote and go to this page: http://www.tmf.nl/gameawards/ then go to Voting and just type CS:S offcourse ;).


Don't forget that Scool is MORE importent than a game ;)


See yah arround!!



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