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The Unknown Ghosts

Banned for an unknown reason.


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Hello, .TuG. .


Today, just a few moments ago, I joined your public De_dust 2 server. On the first round I proceeded to the doors, killed a .TuG. member, most likely an admin, and got killed by.. I think it was Ford Prefect.

Anyway, this admin I killed is probably having a bad day or something because I got a "Kicked and Banned" message after being killed.


I've had this server on my favourites list for ages, but I've never seen this kind of behaviour there before.


STEAM UserID STEAM_0:1:8072113 is banned.


My Steam id is probably along those lines, please take off this ban, I did nothing to deserve it.

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Heey there m8...


I dont know how thingz went but i dont think any TuG would ban you with no reason unless people hack, i think it must be a mistake so i'll unban you now........



Yep your ready to rock on the Dust2 server gain :).


I'll ask J-Style what really happend and post here the awnser if u still interest in the awnser.


Take Care,




PS. Welcome to the forums 2 bad it had to goes this way but u should check the





There are some movies i made :D.

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Heey there m8...


I dont know how thingz went but i dont think any TuG would ban you with no reason unless people hack' date=' i think it must be a mistake so i'll unban you now........



Yep your ready to rock on the Dust2 server gain :).


I'll ask J-Style what really happend and post here the awnser if u still interest in the awnser.


Take Care,




PS. Welcome to the forums 2 bad it had to goes this way but u should check the





There are some movies i made :D.



Yeah, there was no actual reason.. He was just trying out his admin kit.

Oh, damnit, still getting

STEAM UserID STEAM_0:1:8072113 is banned.



I have to get on the server! RAWR!

Seems pretty empty atm though.

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