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The Unknown Ghosts

Everyone laugh at my brother


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i was playing cs:s and my brother was sitting there critisizing me. Then he said he was gonna kick my ass so I played a lan game with him with condition zero. Critisizing didn't do him any good. I'm not very good, but he is worse. I think it is stupid when ppl use lag as excuse when they are in a lan game :P. See for yourselves


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If your bro' says he is suffering 'lag' on a local lan game then the fault probably lies with his machine - he should lower his quality settings somewhat to see if it makes a difference, as well as stopping any unwanted background tasks/programs.

He's probably got it up at 32bit with all settings on 'high'...

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yeah, that is a high pin for lan, but he was doing something else online. He had it on minimal settings and it was running fine, he has a decent fujitsu siemens laptop. Yet me and my Acer Aspire both better than his laptop and him :P they suit each other, lets put it that way. btw he is a cheap camper, but it didnt help him at all.

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Originally posted by .TuGr.Ford Prefect@Aug 11 2005, 09:23 AM

yeah but I don't think it's a normal one. He bought it at camden town and I doubt any of the original hardware is still in it :P



Quit while you're ahead! :P


Mind lag is the product dallied in at Camden! :D

Artistic diveristy and culturally enriched, yes.

Refined engineering and technical showmanship, no.


Almost as bad as buying a PC at PC World.... ;)

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Quit while you're ahead! :P


Mind lag is the product dallied in at Camden! :D

Artistic diveristy and culturally enriched, yes.

Refined engineering and technical showmanship, no.


Almost as bad as buying a PC at PC World.... ;)


I don't think you can actually say whether pcs from camden are good or not, the only thing they have in common is that they are all stolen/illegal :P It all depends which truck the pc "fell" off of hehe.Artistic diversity and culturally enriched? Hehe I think what you mean is a variety of foreign foods for a few quid per bucket.. Hehe, back in 1995 I had a packard bell pc from pc world :P I guess you can imagine the value etc. Everyone was fearing the millenium bug and nothing happened really, except my pc set my monitor on fire and tried to kill me in my sleep. Fortunately it was such a crap pc that it couldn't even do that right :P Yeah I quit quick, dont want to lose to him. Even though I doubt that will ever happen.

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