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  • 1 month later...

Hi there, krise madsen here.


I've been chatting with .TuG.colin, and he invited me to request a membership :)


I'm mainly a single player/co-op gamer, though I've gotten a healthy dose of BF2 over the last year or so. To be honest I can rarely find the opportunity for some decent gaming these days (I play with my friends and we're all getting old. Family commitments and all that :glare: ), so I'm perhaps looking more for some interesting chat with you TuG'ers than actual gaming sessions.


I've been a huge fan of tac-sim shooters since the original Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, though these days the "tactical simulation" name seem to be slapped on any shooter :mad: Not at all happy with what happened to my beloved R6 and GR franchises. Had a few words about that on the Ubisoft forums lately. Just a few words though... :rolleyes: I'm keen to see what can be achieved with game engines like CryEngine2 though :)


Anyhew, looking forward to getting to know you lads (and lassies, I suppose) :)



Games: Nothing specific really.

Real Name: Kenneth "krise" Madsen

Born: July 15 1971

Location: Aalborg, Denmark

Online/In-Game Name: krise madsen

E-Mail: krise_madsen@hotmail.com

Any other info: I want my old tactical GR and R6 back! Oh, and I have hairy toes.




krise madsen

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Hi there, krise madsen here.


I've been chatting with .TuG.colin, and he invited me to request a membership :)


I'm mainly a single player/co-op gamer, though I've gotten a healthy dose of BF2 over the last year or so. To be honest I can rarely find the opportunity for some decent gaming these days (I play with my friends and we're all getting old. Family commitments and all that :glare: ), so I'm perhaps looking more for some interesting chat with you TuG'ers than actual gaming sessions.


I've been a huge fan of tac-sim shooters since the original Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, though these days the "tactical simulation" name seem to be slapped on any shooter :mad: Not at all happy with what happened to my beloved R6 and GR franchises. Had a few words about that on the Ubisoft forums lately. Just a few words though... :rolleyes: I'm keen to see what can be achieved with game engines like CryEngine2 though :)


Anyhew, looking forward to getting to know you lads (and lassies, I suppose) :)



Games: Nothing specific really.

Real Name: Kenneth "krise" Madsen

Born: July 15 1971

Location: Aalborg, Denmark

Online/In-Game Name: krise madsen

E-Mail: krise_madsen@hotmail.com

Any other info: I want my old tactical GR and R6 back! Oh, and I have hairy toes.




krise madsen

Hi Krise,


Welcome to the forum & to the team. :)


Colin says alot of nice things about you & I've also enjoyed your posts on gr.net & ubisoft.

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ok here it is my join reqest :D

* Game you are applying for: GR:AW1,2 or CS:S or COD4 (when i get it)

* Real Name : Michael

* Age + Date of Birth : 23/21/01/84

* Location/Country : UK - Newcastle

* Online/In-Game Name : Atomicfire

* Email Address to be contacted at : guns4hire_uk@hotmail.co.uk

* Any other info


got my own website at www.micksworld.co.uk for my custom gaming stuff that i made

my Xfire :


my xbox 360 GT :


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  • 5 weeks later...
I Played On Your Server With SOme on Your Guys And i Liked It


but i wanted to join for cod4 cod2 (if you play it) and Cs:s


Real Name: Joseph Richards

Game: cod4 cod2 (if you play it) and Cs:s

Game name: 'Hero#

email: Josephj0304@aol.com

location: Wales, United Kingdom

Age: 11 (03/04/96)

Need more info? Just ask!

Hi Joseph,


I'm afraid our minimum age to join the team is 18 - we are a mature bunch of gamers and things can get a little '18+' on Teamspeak.

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