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The Unknown Ghosts

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hey gop i wanted to buy the samsung syncmaster 226 bw today, i already paid for it but they said: we're sry, it's out of stock...dammit


MAke sure you get the PEBBLE version Breaker as it looks the much better!


And remember, the 22" and the 20" have the same native resolution as each other. Which basically means that the pixels will appear bigger on a

22" version. You may see some jagged lines that you wouldn't see on a 20".

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MAke sure you get the PEBBLE version Breaker as it looks the much better!


And remember, the 22" and the 20" have the same native resolution as each other. Which basically means that the pixels will appear bigger on a

22" version. You may see some jagged lines that you wouldn't see on a 20".


nah tweaks, i already have that asus vw222 lcd now


but i have to say its quite perfect anyhow :)

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too big? hmmmmm you should see cod 4 on the 42" tv lol very immersive i must stop diving behind the sofa when i get fragged...........

i find having a large screen helps with eye strain and some of the other unpleasant aspects of long term pc usage, bad posture ect ect.......with the imminant departure of our dvd rom players and the arrival of blueray/? hd games...ect ect the need for a quality screen that can cope with the change's in technology for me is important this swiss army knife of a screen

can cope with everything from the snes to the skybox the mobile to the security cameras.. and any gadgets the kids have...;)


big is good give me bigger now i want it noooooooow


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too big? hmmmmm you should see cod 4 on the 42" tv lol very immersive i must stop diving behind the sofa when i get fragged...........

i find having a large screen helps with eye strain and some of the other unpleasant aspects of long term pc usage, bad posture ect ect.......with the imminant departure of our dvd rom players and the arrival of blueray/? hd games...ect ect the need for a quality screen that can cope with the change's in technology for me is important this swiss army knife of a screen

can cope with everything from the snes to the skybox the mobile to the security cameras.. and any gadgets the kids have...;)


big is good give me bigger now i want it noooooooow




I know I have an LG 47inch 1800 HD TV! And yes, they have every single imaginable connector. But monitors have been HD for years, and when i plug my PC into my TV it looks cack! why??

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